
Welcome! Thank you following my blog. To tell you a little about myself....I am a wife, mother of 3 beautiful girls, full time nurse, full time Scentsy Consultant, part-time travel agent (I assist my husband) & coupon guru! I love working out, eating healthy, trying new foods ( I will try anything once), traveling, cooking/baking, volunteering at church, spending time with family & friends and of course saving money! I dabble a little bit in nutrition and I am great psychiatrist to my friends, family & sometimes even strangers ( plan on working on my license in both someday). I love helping people that's why I started blogging! My blog focus is on keeping you up to date on all the Awesome deals, recipes, lifestyle changes and anything that will help you become a better you! I am such a random thinker so don't be surprised by the diversity of subjects I post! Please be sure to JOIN my blog by clicking on the JOIN button just above this message on your right or near followers, also be sure to sign up for my email updates and RSS feed so that you don't miss out on anything! Thank you again & God Bless!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Carter's Stamp it Twice Tuesdays!

Thanks to a 757Discount Diva friend Brandee Tillman I have some good deals to share with you at Carter's you may not know about.  

1.) Every Wednesday is Grandparents day! Tell all the grandparents to do all the grand-kids shopping on Wednesday's so they can get an extra 10% off their purchase.

2.)Head on over to Carter's tomorrow for what they call "Stamp it Twice Tuesdays"

Carter's is a well respected name that I know I trust for my children. They have great quality clothing, huge selection of PJ's and great prices. To add to the great prices Carter's offer a stamp card. You may have to ask for it. On the card is 5 spots for a stamp and once the card is filled you receive a $10 in store credit. The way you get stamps is for every $20 you spend you get a stamp, so on "Tuesday's" every $20 you spend you get "2" stamps! That's a pretty good deal! So save your Carter shopping for Tuesday's! 

3.) In addition to your Stamp it Twice Tuesday's Carters will also honor any other additional coupons you may have which makes the deal even sweeter!

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